Sunday, March 2, 2008


       I just built a road bike, hence the posting below. But apparently, (according to some select esteemed bicycle experts) when I build bikes, I build them unsafely. They are not exactly "Up to Code."
Well, I live under the "Pirate's Code" and pirates deal with ships and silver, not bicycles, so give me a break. Give me a break. Break me off a piece of that Fancy Feast.
       To make up for my unsafe bicycle, I created a little something called "Safety Glow." What is "Safety Glow?" "Safety Glow" is new, it's hip, it's kosher, it's safe! I put a little LED Circuit from a little light that I got at a little career fair on the little spot where a kick stand would go. It flashes red light, thus making me safe. I don't have any photographs of it flashing because I did not take the photographs when it was night time, so you could not see it in action.

       The moral of the story is: "Throw your helmet in the trash! It is Safety Glow a' last!"

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